Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Love Wins Out

God certainly made some of His creation very open to emotions.

But i've never thought of myself as emotional.

Until 8 years ago -- and it's gotten worse every year.

Marriage, pregnancy, childbirth and parenting have slowly been chipping away at the smooth, composed outer shell of my life. Now, suddenly, all kinds of emotions come pouring out at just the drop of a sweet little Hallmark hat.

Emotions of all kinds.

But i sorta got hit in the head last night with the realization that these emotions stem from one thing that sometimes is confused as an emotion, but is really much more than that...


Not that i'm using my calendar as an excuse, but there are certain days when i'm more emotional than usual. And it's not usually a happy emotion. (unless someone stands a safe distance away and tosses a bag of M&M's my way)

Last night, i let this certain emotion rear its ugly head, and one thing led to another .... Hurtful words, horrible attitude, ....

And because i was too busy hanging on to my self-imposed hurts while simultaneously throwing a pity-party-for-one, i dropped my armor.

My helmet of salvation rolled right off.
My sword of the Spirit clattered to the floor.
My breastplate of righteousness became just as effective as swiss cheese.
My belt of truth loosened up and slipped to my ankles.

No one ever attends a pity party wearing items like those. And so i stood alone at my pity party. Exposed.

And then a delivery came. I opened it. NEVER accept a delivery that hasn't already been signed for in red by Jesus Christ.

Thoughts and emotions began to swirl around in my mind and in my heart. I tried to push them away, but on my own i was completely powerless to keep them at bay for long.

I was too tired from throwing the pity party that i couldn't even pick up my armor.

So there in the quiet of my living room, as i nursed my hungry little baby boy, i cried out to God (in my heart. i might be more emotional, but i don't raise my voice. yet. i'm sure God is working on that one.).

I repented. And i whispered, "Protect me, God."

Before another second could pass, I felt His LOVE surround me. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was His LOVE because He whispered back to me that it was. And it was TANGIBLE.

Tears began to roll. The pity party streamers fell.

God spoke to me right then and there that His love always wins out. That His love turns things around. His love silences the enemy.

And with the strength of His love coursing through me, i was able to pick up my armor once again.

That was the end of it.

No more accusing thoughts --- my helmet of salvation was fitted snugly on my mind.
No more hurtful feelings --- my breastplate of righteousness was strapped across my heart.
No more lies of the enemy --- my belt of truth was holding everything together.

Even the calendar had to be quiet.

I know that all parents -- moms and dads alike -- give up parts of themselves, parts of their desires, perhaps even dreams -- at least for a time --- for the sake of their children. I know mine did.

And i thank you, Mom and Dad.

God showed me last night was that it's so much easier to give things to my husband and children, to serve them, to care for their needs, to give them my time and energy and creativity that might otherwise have been channelled into something else ... it's so much easier, in fact, it's a joy .... when i do it in Capitol-L Love.

God's love.

He has it FOR me. He models it by loving me no matter my shortcomings.

And then He pours it out IN me. It strengthens and protects me. It flows out of me to bless others.

His love helps me to see that what i am doing right now in my life IS important. IS creative. IS a work, a production to be proud of. IS important.

More than anything. Because it's eternal. And God-ordained.

And i love them.

And i love Him. Who first loved me. So much that He gave up part of HIMSELF.

(Sounds like i need to listen to Sunday's sermon again. Perhaps i could have it preached to me first-hand. In person.)


Lelia Chealey said...

Heather...I'm sitting at my kitchen table about to turn off my computer and just seek my Savior, but wanted to read your post first. I'm bawling. Everything I'm feeling right now, you put into a beautiful writing. I'm weepy and wanting more of God than ever. As you know I even stepped back from continuing the blog study because I just need to seek Him and Him alone.
Thank you for being open and honest and sharing this with us. You're real and I love you for that alone my friend. So many try to give the picture of perfection and if more would just open up and say, "Hey this is where God took me today" and let pride fall to the ground, we'd all be better for it. I will be linking your post so others can read it.
I love you.

Pastor Susan David said...

Thanks so much for sharing, Heather. I know exactly where you are coming from. I have found myself hiding away at home just because I was afraid my 'mouth' and what was in my heart would get me in trouble. But that isn't how to deal with it. Your way is the right way. God is so patient and good to us!!!

Angela said...

Thanks for your candid words Heather, and for your comments Lelia and Pastor Susan. It seems like so many times in the past year I've felt like my family would be better off if I just stopped talking, because no matter what I say, it's wrong. I keep thinking that my thought process is off and everyone can see it but me. I think it's God's way of calling me to sit and talk to Him and Him alone. I just want to go some place where I can be alone with Him. Not happening though - I need to learn to find that place right here. Like I wrote earlier - 3:30am is a good time because everyone else is asleep, it's quiet in my home and in my head because I haven't had time to fully wake up yet. Why is it so hard to commit to that time? Like Nike said - JUST DO IT! It's funny because I know the answer, I just don't like the question.

Christina said...

You are a very talented writer. I love reading your blogs!

Arlene said...

Heather, you have a God-given ability to use words to paint pictures to convey the truth of God's Word! I never thought about how my armor might look when I choose not to wear it properly!!! I always pictured it standing tall, connected together, like the knight mascot in the display case at Southeast High School ... my school!

Thanks for an awesome post!