Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Loosening My Grip

Last weekend my wonderful husband bought me a new devotional book ... it appeals to my soul because of its slender design and beautiful leather cover with peaceful sketches of grass, and it appeals to my spirit because of the rich food and satisfying drink of God's Word it holds between the pages.

Better than any food served at a pity party.

So today is day 2 of reading it, and already i've gotten hit over the head. What hurts the most is the fact that it's Scripture that i've heard and heard, but just hadn't quite made the connection all the way from my brain to my heart to my spirit.

If you falter in times of trouble, how small is your strength. Proverbs 24:10

"My grace is enough; it's all you need. My strength comes into its own in your weakness. Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ's strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size - abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

The devotional raised the point that God isn't testing my strength in these situations and circumstances; He's not trying to see how strong i've become since the last one.

He wants to see if i will let go of them ... of my weakness, of the areas i struggle in...

God already knows my strength level --- He can feel my grip tightening!!!

Even my little 5-month old baby has a strong grip! When he gets a toy of choice -- or a chunk of my hair --- in his hand and wraps his chubby little fingers around it, it is hard work to PRY his fingers off!

Maybe because he worked so hard to get it!?

Or because he spent 9 months (10, really, but who's counting) in the womb with his fingers curled up, and those muscles haven't relaxed.

Father God, relax my grip!

What relief i felt today after reading Paul's account in Corinthians that i don't have to try to be stronger in each situation or trial that comes my way, but i need to let go and let God.

Which is actually a test of strength, after all.... even though it seems like an act of weakness - letting go and letting someone else.

But it's the secure, strong ones who can relax those gripping muscles.

Muscles are a funny thing.

My husband just found out at his new chiropractor that the reason his hip gets sore is not because the muscles surrounding it are weak, but because they are too tight.

Dustin wasn't able to stand upright and walk normally because his lower back muscles were too tight. They need to be stretched and exercised so that they become loose and usable.


I wasn't able function normally (aka, God's way) during the last "situation" i faced because my do-it-myself muscle was too tight. I hadn't been loosening my grip and "letting Jesus take over."

No wonder i snapped at my husband or my kids. Tight, under-exercised muscles do that.

Strong, healthy muscles are flexible and pliable.

Lord Jesus, use the weaknesses and situations in my life to let Your strength shine through. Mold and move and use me in Your power, not mine.


Arlene said...

I like to blame my tight grip on my life, at times, on my Type A personality, as well as the organizational/administrative giftings God has given me ... all of which are to tempered by the Holy Spirit.

It really boils down to a control issue . . . a trust issue . . . a self-sufficiency problem. Humans have struggled with these issues from the beginning of time, and we see the fruit of them from age birth through death!

The only solution . . . the potter's hands and a daily (sometimes moment by moment for me!) submitting of my life to God.

Thank you, Lord, for your great grace and mercy!

Walking on High Hills said...

That is some good insight ! You are seeking His face and finding Him. Thanks for sharing your heart!


Abby (Tabitha)

Walking on High Hills said...

Hey gal!

Ruth is 8!!! Can you believe it?
How was Florida? My sis went in to have her baby today!!

Well, gotta go!

Walking on High Hills said...

Yes, Heather~~1 year!!!
i'll post her 8th party soon!

Christina said...

Hey, I just read your blog today, over a month later, and it was perfect timing because i was feeling those same things. I get frustrated trying to find a job and try to hold onto the situation all the more tightly instead of letting it go and holding on more tightly to God. Thanks for sharing. I always like reading your blog!