Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Kids go through multiple seasons in their lives - sometimes 2 or 3 or 10 a day, it seems! My 2 1/2 year old keeps me remembering the seasons that are so important in life. Today we were in the season of first introductions to knowing Jesus and finding we need Him...

Tessa likes to pretend and make up conversations and experiences. This afternoon after naptime, Tessa began to roll a new phrase around in her mouth(meaning she repeats it over and over) ... the phrase was, "someone help me." So i told her that Jesus could help her.

Within a few minutes she decided to go pick out a movie to watch (one of her latest I'm-two-and-i-can-do-it-myself daily actvities). She dragged her footstool to the closet and began to search through the dvd's.

She began again to talk about someone helping her, and then she started to say "Jesus" and "Jesus help me." Before long she yelled out, "Jesus!" Now, I know she doesn't fully grasp all of Who He is - although we talked about Him again during this time - but hearing the Name Jesus shouted from even an unknowing 2-yr old's lips is powerful! I just about cried! She continued to stand there and say "I want Jesus." So we talked about Him some more.

Then she informed me that Jesus was in our living room, and she went out there calling for Him.

THEN she went to the front door and knocked on it and said, "Jesus, come into my house! Come in, Jesus!"

These 10 precious minutes today were seasoned with desire for Jesus' help and with tender teachable moments. I am loving this season of her young life - and I think God is too, as He's teaching me things right along with her!


Walking on High Hills said...

This is soo good Heather! PS you've been tagged. Cut and paste and post your fun facts then let me know.